We pride ourselves on having the most superior children’s programs in Valley Village. From toddler to teen we have a program that will suit your child’s needs.
Children’s Corner (Ages 2-4)
Indoor supervised play for boys and girls ages 2-4 with games, toys, and snacks. Circle time takes place each week around 9:30.
Come join us for davening and Shabbos and Yom Tov songs. Groups are in session each day there are prayer services. Drop your child off and let us enjoy spending time with them while you daven! Girls ages 5-10 are welcome here and their counselor will pick them up when their groups begin.
Girls Corner (Ages 5-10)
Come join us for davening, parsha and more! Davening begins around 10:15, followed by parsha and kiddush. Earn raffle tickets to win weekly prizes and points towards bigger prizes!
S.Z. Kids Shabbos Schedule (Boys Ages 5-13)
Indoor supervised play with games and toys in the Ratner beis midrash.
Minyan begins in side beis midrash. Earn extra S.Z. points for prizes by sitting and davening with your father, and by signing up to be the chazan brachos or pesukei dezimra.
Davening for S.Z. points. Your choice: daven with our counselors in groups or join your dad in the 8:30 minyan. Either way earn points and raffle tickets.
Join the 8:30 minyan as we take out the Torah and read the first aliyah. Follow along in the chumush and earn more S.Z. points.
Be a part of the parsha leagues. We have parsha football during the football season, parsha baseball during the baseball season. Help your team win the season and get the 1st place trophy! Or remain in the minyan for the rest of Torah reading and musaf and earn even more S.Z. points!
Sign up for Ain Kelokeinu and Aleinu and earn even more S.Z. Points
Kiddush and raffle!
Come over to the Emek Early Childhood beis midrash for father/son learning. More raffles and more S.Z. points
Boys who are unable to join the father/son will be supervised outside by our counselors.
Teen Minyan (Ages 13+)
9:15 am – 10:45am
Come over to the Emek Early Childhood beis midrash for for an interactive and meaningful teen-ONLY minyan.
11:00 am
Kiddish and drasha by our Youth Director Ronson Moses.